Home > Climate Gate, Global Warming, warming scam > How about unusual early heat waves hitting both NY and DC this weekend?

How about unusual early heat waves hitting both NY and DC this weekend?

“if Global warming is a fraud, then how come even Drudge
had several links yesterday about unusual early heat waves hitting both
NY and DC this weekend?”

Because a heatwave occurring on the East
Coast of the US is a weather phenomenon, not a climate phenomenon.

global warming certainly isn’t a fraud at all. The CLIMATE (not the
weather, mind you) has been warming up since the 1700s.

The fraud
is that the man-made part of the CO2 that’s in the atmosphere has a
significant effect on the average global temperature, and will cause
catastrophe if we don’t spend lots of your money trying to remove it.

even if it were true, it’s very unlikely that the global average
temperature can be reduced just by spending money on carbon credits or
wind farms or fluorescent lightbulbs, any more than you could freeze the
ocean or change the orbit of Saturn with just financial speculation and

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